
Operational Areas

Consulting on handling of natural resources. Assessments of current state and prospects. Planning effective measures as a result of this research & analysis.

Policy and strategy development, designing monitoring and management plans, and field implementation.

Facilitation of meetings, public debates, and translating environmental issues to a language understandable to business, public administration, and institutions not commonly in contact with nature protection issues.

Consulting on Corporate Social Responsibility with a focus on environmental issues. We help companies work with the environment for the long-term.


Our clients are both from the private/corporate and public sectors. We closely cooperate with NGOs, development agencies, state administration, private companies, and academic institutions.




Georgia // 2020 // Tbilisi City Hall

Landscape inventory and proposal of zoning for Lisi Lake area in Tbilisi

Czechia // 2024 // Enery CZ s.r.o.

Fotovoltaická elektrárna Kařez – posouzení záměru

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Proposal for measures to reduce the number of collisions with animals on selected roads in the South Moravian Region

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Monitoring of amphibians in the Highway D6 – bypass Řevničov

Croatia // 2021 // Faculty of Science (PMF) of the University of Zagreb

Making and development of monitoring programme for freshwater fish with capacity building of stakeholders in the monitoring and reporting system

Czechia // 2023 // Enery GOAT s.r.o.

Biological and site assessment of the planned construction of a photovoltaic power plant in the cadastral area of Kozlovice u Nepomuk

Czechia // 2024 // EKOLA group

Rozvadov – biologický průzkum území

Czechia // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Backround documents collection and review for the State Programme on the Nature Conservation 2019-2025

Czechia // 2021 // Technical administration of roads of the capital city Prague, a.s.

Financing strategy for blue-green infrastructure in the framework of investment section constructions

Czechia // 2024 // Sweco Hydroprojekt

Krupka – Nové Modlany: Biological survey and impact assessment of interventions on nature and landscape according to §67 of Act No. 114/1992 (Nature Conservation Act)

Czechia // 2014 // Nature Conservation Forum

Webinars and interviews on nature conservation topics

Montenegro // 2019 // German Development Agency

Coordination of the habitat mapping in the Skadar Lake National Park in Montenegro

Czechia // 2024 // Sweco Hydroprojekt

Biological surveys as part of the study “Set of measures to support water retention in selected localities of the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area, including modification of drainage facilities”

Czechia // 2020 // Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Research project “Practival Tools for Planning and Conservation of Alluvial Plains as Important Landscape Element”

Finland // 2023 // Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife Finland

Management effectiveness (PAME) evaluation of the Finnish protected area system

Czechia // 2024 // IUCN, European Union Representative Office a.i.s.b.l.,

Survey of e-commerce trade in the invasive alien species (IAS) of Union concern, and IAS considered for inclusion in the Union List in 2024, for the PET/AQUARIUM SECTOR within Czechia

Czechia, Slovakia // 2023 // Charles University – Faculty of Science

Trends in Nature Conservation

Czechia // 2024 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Management Plan for the Tiské stěny Nature Monument and the Pavlínino údolí Nature Reserve

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Application for exemption from protective conditions for ‘D6 Nové Strašecí – Řevničov’, ‘D6 Řevničov – bypass’ and “D6 Lubenec – bypass’

Czechia // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Evaluation of the Podyjí National Park and the Šumava National Park administrations

Czechia // 2019 // The City of Jablonec nad Nisou

Biological research on occurrence of endangered, protected and bioindicators species and valuable habitats

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Migration study for roads I/13 Most – Bílina and I/63

Czechia // 2023 // DIAMO

Bike paths – assessment of the impact on the biotope

Czechia, Georgia // 2024 // United Nations Development Programme

Elaboration of the Truso Protected Landscape Management Plan and Zoning through the transfer of Czech expertise

Czechia // 2018 // Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information

Development of ‘indicator on wetlands area on farmland’

Czechia // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Analysis of suitable communication approaches of biological diversity in Czechia

European Union // 2024 // Integra Consulting

Management Effectiveness for Protected Areas in Europe

Georgia // 2017 // Integra Consulting

Coperation with establishment of a national EIA and SEA office in Georgia

Czechia // 2018 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Evaluation of potential highway migration passages in the Ústí Region

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biota monitoring of D6 Highway Krupá relocation

Czechia // 2021 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Czech biodiversity conservation project abroad – Survey of projects, implemented by Czech entities in the period 202-2021, incl. recommendations for future priorities

Czechia // 2024 // Město Hrádek nad Nisou

Preliminary assessment of the occurrence of synanthropic species – “BEKON – Polyclinic”

Czechia // 2017 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Background technical document for development of National Strategy on Biodiversity Conservation Financial Support

Czechia // 2022 // Road and Motorway Directorate

I/15 Želkovice, bypass – Update and addition of biological surveys and construction assessment

Czechia // 2023 // EKOLA group

Biological surveys in Rozvadov near the D5 motorway

Czechia // 2018 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Invasive plant species inventory along highways and 1st class roads in the Central Bohemia Region

Czechia // 2021 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Hydro-zoological research of the Olešský fishpond

Czechia // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Mediation of round tables on lynx protection

Czechia // 2019 // Regional Development Agency

Analysis of vegetation around roads in the areas Hodkovicko and Rychnovsko

Czechia // 2018 // Prague City Hall

Information system for visitors of Sites of Community Importance in Prague

Czechia // 2019 // Regional Development Agency

Inventory of vegetation around roads and the preparation of project documentation

Czechia // 2020 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Research concept for Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland area

Czechia // 2021 // Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Coordination of research activities for invasive alien species of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammalls under the Center on Landscape and Biodiversity (DivLand) in between 2021-2026

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Construction of migration barriers to protect amphibians and reptiles at ‘I/13 Třebušice flyover – Traffic point complication’

Czechia // 2020 // Public Ports of Slovakia

EIA for construction of base for vessels in the Public Port of Bratislava

Czechia // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Completion of final reports of the National Parks Evaluation in the Czech Republic

Montenegro // 2017 // European Commission

Coordination of the habitat mapping incl. analyses of results for establishment of Natura 2000 network in Montenegro

Czechia // 2023 // Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Research project TITSMZP222 Methodology for assessing the significance of habitats and species habitats loss in the assessment of projects potentially affecting Natura 2000 network under § 45i of the Act on Nature and Landscape Protection

Czechia // 2023 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Convention on Biological Diversity – Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Air quality and noise studies for ‘D7 Louny, bypass capacity increase’

Czechia // 2022 // Forests of the Czech Republic

Biological supervision of the construction “Restoration of the natural water regime of the revitalization system in EVL Soutok – Podluží”

Armenia // 2022 // Institute of Botany after A.Takhtajyan National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Conducting necessary analysis and development of the Sevan National Park management plan

Czechia // 2024 // EKOLA group

Biomonitoring D6 Hořovičky Hořesedy

Czechia // 2015 // Karel Andrejsek

Consultancy for impact assessment of hydropower plant Spálov

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Materials for EIA notificationand obtaining EIA statement for “I/27 Šlovice – Přeštice, relocation”

Czechia // 2017 // European Commission

Technical support of study tour under the Nature Component of the Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis

Czechia // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Risk analyzes associated with the spread of invasive species

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Background studies for EIA of spoll utilization from ‘D4 Rača – Záhorská Bystrica’

Slovakia // 2019 // Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration

Consultations on research of approaches to the management in non-intervention areas

Czechia // 2015 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Development of selected targets of the CBD National Biodiversity Strategy of the Czech Republic 2016-2025

Czechia // 2016 // Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Proposal of national alien invasive species mapping and monitoring schemes

Czechia // 2019 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Consultancy for biological supervision at D6 Highway

Czechia // 2016 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Technical participation – proposal on monitoring and assessment system of vulnerability to climate change impacts incl. environment and health impacts

Czechia // 2017 // GoodMills Česko

Zoological and dendrological research for evaluation of Lovosice production plant

Czechia // 2018 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Research concept for period 2020-2026 in Saxon Switzerland National Park (Germany) and Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czechia)

Czechia // 2019 // Particip

Consultancy for development of the project Disaster Risk Management proposal

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Consultancy for eco-audit of transport projects

Czechia // 2017 // Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration

Consultancy for the determination of indicators of the state of the nature and the quality of tourism in the Krkonoše National Park

Czechia // 2019 // DŘEVO Korožné

Ichthyological survey and biological assessment for fishpass and pond in Dolní Heřmanice

Czechia // 2015 // Water Management Development and Construction joint stock Company

Analytical background for decision-making and training to natural components status assessment

Serbia // 2016 // United Nations Development Programme

Consultancy and study tour organization within Sharing and Applying Czech Knowledge for Advancing Nature Conservation System in Serbia

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Methodology of optimization of environmental management and maintenance of highway plots

Czechia // 2015 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Drawing up chapters on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Study on climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks in the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2016 // MAVA Foundation

Consultancy services and study tour organization within project Strengthened Conservation Planning in South East Europe

Czechia // 2017 // Vysočina Region

Consultancy for SEA of Energy Concept of the Vysočina Region

Serbia // 2015 // Czech Development Agency

Indicators development on climate change for biodiversity strategy of the Republic of Serbia

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Processing the results of a biological survey and a migration study for the preparation of documents for planning procedure for “D7 Chlumčany, bypass capacity increase“

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Mapping in the framework of environmental management and maintenance of highway plots

Czechia // 2015 // Friends of the Earth of the Czech Republic

Biodiversity analysis and selection of potential areas for wilderness protection in the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2017 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Feasibility study on a salmon hatchery in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park

Montenegro // 2017 // European Commission

Completion of Protection Study for Ulcinj Saline in Montenegro

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Documentation for EIA notification of “Relocation of the road I/21 Trstěnice – Drmoul“

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological survey for EIA verification statements for ‘R6 Nové Strašecí – Olšová vrata’

Serbia // 2016 // Czech Development Agency

Proposal of surveillance system for climate change impact on biodiversity in Serbia

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA documentation for ‘D7 Louny, bypass capacity increase’

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological assessment of the project ‘I/13 Třebušice Flyover – Traffic Point complication’

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological supervision for ‘D7 Postoloprty – flyover Bítozeves

Czechia // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA documentation for ‘D7 Chlumčany, bypass capacity increase’

Slovakia // 2021 // D4/R7 Construction

Monitoring of biota according the Environmental Monitoring Scheme

Czech Republic // 2023 // Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Research project “Practical Tools for Planning and Conservation of Alluvial Plains as Important Landscape Element”

Czech Republic // 2022 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Substitute planting along the road I/13 Třbušice MÚK

Czech Republic // 2022 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Detailed migration study for selected 1st class roads in the Ústecký region

Georgia // 2022 // United Nations Development Programme

Protected landscapes in Georgia – designation and management guidelines

Georgia // 2021 // United Nations Development Programme

Consultancy services within the project Enhancing Financial Sustainability of the Protected Areas System in Georgia

Czech Republic // 2021 // Prague City Hall

Biological research of the Štvanice island in Prague for the purpose of its restoration

Czech Republic // 2021 // International Union for Conservation of Nature

Survey of e-commerce trade in the invasive allien species (IAS) of Union concern, and IAS considered for inclusion in the Union list in 2021, for the Pet/Aquarium sector within the Czech Republic

Czech Republic // 2021 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Czech biodiversity conservation project abroad – Survey of projects, implemented by Czech entities in the period 202-2021, incl. recommendations for future priorities

Czech Republic // 2021 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Assesmment of assessments quality for selected authorised persons under the §45i of the Act no. 114/1992 Coll., on Nature and landscape protection as amended

Montenegro // 2019 // European Commission

Technical support with the implementation of the IPA Natura 2000 project in Montenegro

European Union // 2020 // European Commission

Update of Guidance document on the strict protection of animal species of Community interest under the Habitats Directive

Czech Republic // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Mapping of critical collision spots of vehicles with animals including mitigations measures proposal

Czech Republic // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Construction of migration barriers to protect amphibians and reptiles at ‘I/13 Třebušice flyover – Traffic point complication’

Georgia // 2020 // Tbilisi City Hall

Landscape inventory and zoning proposal for the Lisi Lake area in Tbilisi

Czech Republic // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Proposal for measures reducing number of collisions with animals on selected roads in the South Moravian Region

Slovakia // 2020 // Public Ports of Slovakia

EIA for the construction of base for vessels in the public port of Bratislava

Czech Republic // 2020 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Research concept for Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland

Czech Republic // 2020 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Proposal of fishery management on Olešský pond

Czech Republic // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Migration study for roads I/13 Most – Bílina and I/63

Czech Republic // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Mapping of collision points of vehicles with animals including measures proposal

European Union // 2020 // European Commission

Updating the Guidance document on the strict protection of animal species of Community interest under the Habitats Directive

Montenegro // 2019 // European Commission

Coordination of the habitat mapping incl. analyses of results for establishment of Natura 2000 in Montenegro

Czech Republic // 2019 // Prague City Hall

Information basis for visitors to Prague Sites of Community Importance

Czech Republic // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Mediation of round tables to protect lynx

Czech Republic // 2019 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Passportization of potential highway migration passages in the Ústí Region

Czech Republic // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Evaluation of the Podyjí National Park and the Šumava National Park

Montenegro // 2019 // German Development Agency

Coordination of the habitat mapping of the Skadar Lake National Park in Montenegro

Czech Republic // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Analysis of suitable communication approaches of the biological diversity

Czech Republic // 2019 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Environmental monitoring scheme for D6 Highway in Central Bohemia

Czech Republic // 2019 // DŘEVO Korožné

Ichthyological survey and biological assessment for the planned fishpass and pond in Dolní Heřmanice

Georgia // 2019 // Czech Development Agency

National indicator reports on protected areas in Georgia

Czech Republic // 2019 // The City of Jablonec nad Nisou

Biological research on the occurrence of endangered, protected and bioindicating species and valuable habitats

Czech Republic // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Parts of the final report of the National Parks Evaluation in the Czech Republic

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Background studies for EIA of Muck Management from “D4 Rača – Záhorská Bystrica”

Czech Republic // 2018 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Research concept for period 2020-2026 in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland

Czech Republic // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Risk analysis

Czech Republic // 2018 // Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information

Indicator on wetlands area on farmland

Czech Republic // 2018 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Inventory survey of invasive plants around highways and 1st class roads in the Central Bohemia Region

Czech Republic // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Assessment of backround documents and research for the update of the State Programme on the Nature Conservation 2019-2025

Czech Republic // 2018 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Technical materials for the 6th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Czech Republic)

Montenegro // 2018 // European Commission

Consultancy for finalization of protection study for Ulcinj Saline

Czech Republic // 2018 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA documentation for “D7 Chlumčany, bypass capacity increase”

Czech Republic // 2018 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological supervision for “D7 Postoloprty – flyover Bítozeves”

Czech Republic // 2018 // Forests of the Czech Republic

Assessment of Hydropower Potential at Small Water Streams

Czech Republic // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA documentation for “D7 Louny, bypass capacity increase”

Czech Republic // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological assessment of the project “I/13 Třebušice flyover – Traffic point complication”

Czech Republic // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological survey for EIA verification statements for “R6 Nové Strašecí – Olšová vrata”

European Union // 2017 // European Commission

Technical evaluation of LIFE proposals

Serbia // 2017 // Czech Development Agency

Basic surveillance system for climate change impact on biodiversity in Serbia

Czech Republic // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Application for exemption from protective conditions for “D6 Nové Strašecí – Řevničov”, “D6 Řevničov – bypass” and “D6 Lubenec – bypass”

Czech Republic // 2017 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Background technical document for development of the Strategy on Financial Support of Biodiversity Conservation

Czech Republic // 2017 // Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration

Feasibility study for a salmon hatchery in the National Park Czech Switzerland

Czech Republic // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Air quality and noise studies for “D7 Louny, bypass capacity increase”

Czech Republic // 2017 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Regulatory plans for invasive species

Czech Republic // 2017 // European Commission

Support to the study tour for Nature Component of the Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis

Czech Republic // 2017 // GoodMills Česko

Zoological and dendrological research within the evaluation of Lovosice production plant

Serbia // 2016 // Czech Development Agency

Indicators on Climate Change for Biodiversity Strategy of the Republic of Serbia

Czech Republic // 2016 // Friends of the Earth of the Czech Republic

Biodiversity analysis of potential areas for wilderness protection in the Czech Republic

Czech Republic // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological surveys for EIA verification statements

Czech Republic // 2016 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Chapters on biodiversity and ecosystem services within the study on climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks in the Czech Republic

Czech Republic // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Documentation for EIA notification of “Relocation of the road I/21 Trstěnice – Drmoul“

Czech Republic // 2016 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Processing the results of a biological survey and a migration study for the preparation of documents for planning procedure for “D7 Chlumčany, bypass capacity increase“

Czech Republic // 2016 // Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Proposal of Alien Invasive Species Mapping and Monitoring

Czech Republic // 2016 // MAVA Foundation

Consultancy services and study tour organization within Strengthened Conservation Planning in South East Europe

Czech Republic // 2016 // Friends of the Earth of the Czech Republic

Digital maps of the Doupov Mountains in the Military Area Hradiste defining the possibilities of biodiversity protection in integrated territories

Czech Republic // 2015 // Podyjí National Park Administration

External examination of the Study of fish migration opportunities in Dyje river between cities Vranov and Znojmo

Czech Republic // 2015 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Methodology development for the CBD National Biodiversity Strategy of the Czech 2016-2025

Czech Republic // 2015 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Selected targets of the CBD National Biodiversity Strategy of the Czech Republic 2016-2025

Czech Republic // 2014 // Nature Conservation Forum

Webinars and interviews

Czech Republic // 2014 // Šumava National Park Administration

Ichthyological research for the assessment of fish storage area impact on Otava river in Annín

Czech Republic // 2014 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Evaluation of invasive alien fish species and other selected water organisms impact on biological diversity

Czech Republic // 2014 // Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic

Analysis and structure proposal for the CBD National Biodiversity Strategy of the Czech Republic 2016-2025

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